Holy Day of Obligation: All Saints Day
All Saints' Day is a solemn Catholic holy day which celebrates the saints of the Church.
All Saints' Day is a solemn Catholic holy day which celebrates the saints of the Church.
This Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church celebrates the saints.
Adult: $15 Kids: $8 Join our Latino community for a delicious authentic Mexican dinner and learn more about this special Mexican Holiday! Contact the Parish Office if you wish to buy a raffle ticket. The tickets are $10 for a chance to win the $500 grand prize.
Current and former parishioners, as well as newcomers and regular visitors, are encouraged to Pack the Pews at the 9:15am Mass for a faith family reunion! After Mass, the Parish Council will be offering special hospitality in the community center. Please help us fill the church pews!
Join our Latino Community in the Fireside Room at 6:30pm every night between November 3-November 11th for a Novena dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe culminates with a Mass at 6:30pm on Thursday, November 12th.
The Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe culminates with a Mass at 6:30pm on Thursday, November 12th, followed by a social gathering in the Community Center.
Join the St. George Women's Council for a festive day of holiday shopping and fabulous treats! Featuring a wide variety of merchandise vendors, the Boutique is a wonderful way to [...]
Savor a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage, fruit, and beverages. Your free will donation supports pro-life causes and the Knights of Columbus Scholarship. Also enjoy last chance shopping at the [...]
Join our Latino Community in celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with nine days of prayer and a special event on December 12th. Novena: December 3rd, 4th, 5th, [...]
2nd ANNUAL DECORATING THE RECTORY PARTY: Thursday, December 5th from 4:30pm-6:30pm Rectory: 170 North Brown Rd Join Father Shane for a special open house at the rectory to prepare for [...]
All women of the parish are invited to the community center for the annual Women’s Council Christmas party. Please sign up at the back of church. If you can, please [...]
St. George, Trinity Lutheran, and Calvin Presbyterian collaborate to provide a free monthly meal and fellowship to their congregations and community members of Long Lake and the surrounding communities. Come [...]