Holiday Boutique PIE MAKING

Join us for PIE MAKING for our Annual Holiday Boutique 9am - Crusts 10 am - peeling apples No experience needed!

Third Annual Eucharistic Adoration Dinner

Featuring Msgr. Matthew Odong, Hope for Uganda. Join us for a delicious meal and fellowship in the community center.  FREE Following the 4pm Mass

Knights of Columbus Pancake & Sausage Breakfast

Join the Knights for a delicious sausage and pancake breakfast including fruit and beverages.  Please come support the Knights and enjoy fellowship in the community center! Your free will offering [...]

Day of the Dead Dinner & Raffle

  Adult: $15 Kids: $8 Join our Latino community for a delicious authentic Mexican dinner and learn more about this special Mexican Holiday! Contact the Parish Office if you wish [...]

Pack the Pews Mass & Special Hospitality

Current and former parishioners, as well as newcomers and regular visitors, are encouraged to Pack the Pews at the 9:15am Mass for a faith family reunion! After Mass, the Parish [...]

Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena

Join our Latino Community in the Fireside Room at 6:30pm every night between November 3-November 11th for a Novena dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Celebration of Our Lady [...]