Ministries at Church of St. George

Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration is a Catholic devotion dating back to the early days of the Church.  It involves exposing a consecrated host, the Blessed Sacrament, and allowing people to sit and pray in the presence of Jesus Christ.  During your time with Jesus, you can read and reflect on the readings of the Bible, pray the rosary, Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, converse with God or just sit in His presence and listen.
For information about the Eucharistic Adoration, please contact Jean Kottemann at 763.458.1591. 

Adoration is in the Chapel on Monday/Wednesday/Thursday.


All are invited to volunteer for Liturgical Ministries including:

  • Hospitality Ministry
    • Greeters and Ushers are the face of hospitality and take care of a variety of needs before, during, and after Mass. 
    • We welcome all to this ministry! Individual training is provided.
  • Ministers of the Word (Lectors)
    • Lectors have the honor to share the living word filtered through their lived experience and prayerful preparation. 
    • Individual training is provided.
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
    • The role of the Eucharistic Minister is not merely functional; that is, he or she does not merely bring Communion; rather, that person ministers the relationship of the Body of Christ to the Community.  
    • This ministry is open to all confirmed practicing Catholics. Individual training is provided.
  • Altar Servers
    • Persons who are in the 4th grade or older are encouraged to step up to the sanctuary and become altar servers! Besides serving at weekend Masses, servers are needed at daily Masses, weddings, and funerals. 
    • Individual training is provided.
  • Other opportunities for service in the Mass
    • Art and Environment
    • Linens
    • Candles

For information contact Nuriel Abdenur, Director of Music and Liturgy at 952-473-1247 ext 106 or  

Women’s Council

All women of the parish are automatically members of the St. George Women’s Council. The council sponsors a number of charitable events throughout the year, including the Holiday Boutique and the summer rummage sale.

Visit our Holiday Boutique Page

Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 9:30 am.

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Mission Statement: “We believe in human dignity and support causes that respect life from conception to reunion with Christ.”

The Knights of Columbus perform educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief, and public relief work to assist the sick, disabled and needy.

For information about the Knights of Columbus, please contact Steve Cox at 952-473-3305 or 612-308-1253.

Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.

Divine Will Group

Divine Will Group is a prayer group that studies the life and writings of Luisa Piccarreta and contemplates the creation of the “Our Father” prayer. Learn More

Meetings are held Tuesdays at 9:15 am in the Fireside Room.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous® is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; they are self-supporting through contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution and does not wish to engage in any controversy; the group neither endorses nor opposes any causes. The primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Meetings are held Thursdays at 7:oo pm in the Conference Room.

Music Ministry

The goal and purpose of Music Ministry is to enhance the experience of worship by heightening the Word of God with music and to provide beauty to the liturgy through music. Our Choirs include a community choir, cherub choir, teen choir and Latino choir.

> Learn More