Graduation Mass & Reception

Celebrate our graduating seniors at our 9:15am Mass and then congratulate them at a reception in their honor after Mass.  Cake and refreshments will be served.

Knights of Columbus Breakfast & Meat Giveaway

Join the Knights for a delicious pancake and sausage breakfast with fruit and beverages for a free will offering. Proceeds from the breakfast will go to the new lawnmower needed by the parish. Meat Giveaway: People attending the breakfast will receive a ticket to be entered into a drawing for two hams and two one [...]

Outdoor Mass & Picnic

Join Father Shane for the 4pm weekend Mass celebrated outdoors! Please bring a lawn chair for seating for the Mass. After Mass, enjoy a free picnic supper and fellowship! The [...]

Monthly Community Dinner

At Dexter Park (Hosted by Church of St. George) St. George, Trinity Lutheran, and Calvin Presbyterian collaborate to provide a free monthly meal and fellowship to their congregations and community [...]

Corn Days 2024

Church of St. George 133 N Brown Rd, Long Lake, MN, USA, Long Lake, MN, United States

This festival at the Church of St. George in Long Lake features fun for the whole family:  live music, a beer tent, food booths, children’s inflatables, a petting zoo, a [...]

FAITH FORMATION Registration Due!!

Check out our the faith formation tab for forms and information: Electronic payment can also be made on the GIVING tab.

Holiday Boutique PIE MAKING

Join us for PIE MAKING for our Annual Holiday Boutique 9am - Crusts 10 am - peeling apples No experience needed!