Corn Days Meeting
Please join us for our next Corn Days meeting to help plan this year’s Corn Days!
Please join us for our next Corn Days meeting to help plan this year’s Corn Days!
For information about the Knights of Columbus, please contact Steve Cox at 612-308-1253. Meetings are the first Next Meeting: Thursday of the month at 7pm in the community center.
Students preparing for First Communion are required to attend a retreat in the community center.
Family, friends, and parishioners are invited to join our parish as our parish youth receive their First Communion.
Join us after 9:15am Mass for a delicious Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast featuring pancakes, sausage, fruit, and beverages. Proceeds from the breakfast will benefit pro-life causes and the Knights of Columbus Scholarship program. Free will offering.
Women of the Church of St. George - join us for our monthly meeting in the Community Center.
THEME: We are family! Our music ministry invites you to cheer on the cherub, teen, and adult choirs as they sing songs about our family tree! Enjoy a family dinner [...]
The whole parish, as well as visitors, are invited to a May Crowning and the Confirmation Sending Ceremony during the Sunday 9:15am morning Mass on May 5th. Come join us [...]
Everyone is invited to a Sacramental Reception in the Community Center after the 9:15am Mass on May 5th to celebrate our youth who are receiving sacraments this spring. All First [...]
Join us for Coffee, donuts and fellowship in the community center following Mass.