FAITH FORMATION Registration Due!!

Check out our the faith formation tab for forms and information: Electronic payment can also be made on the GIVING tab.

Holiday Boutique PIE MAKING

Join us for PIE MAKING for our Annual Holiday Boutique 9am - Crusts 10 am - peeling apples No experience needed!

Holiday Boutique PIE MAKING

Join us for PIE MAKING for our Annual Holiday Boutique 9am - Crusts 10 am - peeling apples No experience needed!

Third Annual Eucharistic Adoration Dinner

Featuring Msgr. Matthew Odong, Hope for Uganda. Join us for a delicious meal and fellowship in the community center.  FREE Following the 4pm Mass

Knights of Columbus Pancake & Sausage Breakfast

Join the Knights for a delicious sausage and pancake breakfast including fruit and beverages.  Please come support the Knights and enjoy fellowship in the community center! Your free will offering supports pro-life causes and the KC scholarships.