Corn Days 2024

Church of St. George 133 N Brown Rd, Long Lake, MN, USA, Long Lake, MN, United States

This festival at the Church of St. George in Long Lake features fun for the whole family:  live music, a beer tent, food booths, children’s inflatables, a petting zoo, a wine pull, bingo, a Silent Auction, SuperRaffle, a Fiesta dinner, a car rally, Cornhole tournament, merchandise vendors, and the sweetest roasted corn and Mexican corn!

Women’s Council Potluck Supper: ALL ladies of the Parish are invited!

Help us kick-off our Women's Council Season with a Potluck Supper at 6pm on the 12th of September.  All ladies of the Parish are welcome and invited.  Meet your sisters in faith and hear what we will be focusing on this year. Questions?  Call or text Marie - 612.599.9661

FAITH FORMATION Registration Due!!

Check out our the faith formation tab for forms and information: Electronic payment can also be made on the GIVING tab.

Holiday Boutique PIE MAKING

Join us for PIE MAKING for our Annual Holiday Boutique 9am - Crusts 10 am - peeling apples No experience needed!

Holiday Boutique PIE MAKING

Join us for PIE MAKING for our Annual Holiday Boutique 9am - Crusts 10 am - peeling apples No experience needed!

Monthly Community Dinner

Join us for the Monthly Community Dinner at the Church of St. George.

Third Annual Eucharistic Adoration Dinner

Featuring Msgr. Matthew Odong, Hope for Uganda. Join us for a delicious meal and fellowship in the community center.  FREE Following the 4pm Mass

Knights of Columbus Pancake & Sausage Breakfast

Join the Knights for a delicious sausage and pancake breakfast including fruit and beverages.  Please come support the Knights and enjoy fellowship in the community center! Your free will offering supports pro-life causes and the KC scholarships.