Make Your Gift to Church of St. George

Online Donations

Please fill out the form below to make a donation, or set up a regular contribution. Thank you!

Now You Can Text Your Donation

Text the word “GIVE” to 952-900-2301. 

  1. Click on the link that is texted to you. 
  2. Click on one-time or recurring to determine the type of payment you are sending. 
  3. Choose the fund that you wish to donate to (e.g. Sunday offertory, Corn Days, etc.) from a drop down menu. 
  4. Type in the amount (e.g. $100.00). 
  5. If you wish to make a second donation to another fund, click on the +Add Donation button. 
  6. Choose how you would like to make the payment (e.g. credit card, debit card, ACH withdrawal from a bank account, or Google Pay). 
  7. Provide the requested information for the corresponding account (e.g. credit or debit card info, bank account, etc). 
  8. Click the submit button. A receipt will be emailed to you. 

Thank you for supporting The Church of St. George! If you have questions or need assistance regarding electronic donations, please contact our bookkeeper Paula Luna, or 952-228-5879.